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A First Time Experience, 2 Parties & A Stolen Wallet what happened this week? Umm...let’s see...2 parties, a stolen wallet and a 1st time experience.
Honestly, I can't remember all the details over the past week and although I know it’s ONLY just been a week, I still can’t grab the small bits. #pityme.
Any ways,

June 29th:

Did not go to office on that day. I was late because of some reason and I realized I was just not in the mood to go to office with such a lazy start to my day.  Got down and met up with my friend. It was 11am and we had nothing to do. Sat at a bakery, I ordered a shake while he looked on at me and then decided the only thing we could do to pass the time was to go for a movie. What could be the saddest part of someone’s life when you have the bloody time to watch a movie but there isn’t anything good enough to watch? Actually watching the out-dated movies again. So that is what we did. after a huge debate on whether to travel to the other end of the city for a better movie, we decided to settle at where we were and watch the movie out till the next movie (that I liked and waned o watch) would start. 
The 1st movie was okay, and as soon as we finished it, rushed out and went to the other movie theatre, got our tickets and sat in front of the big screen again. A little window shopping after that, fight with my friend, headache, and I was home. Probably got it from the continuous watching that day.

July 1st:

That day was just so random and unplanned. I was actually just planning on lazing at home but then my sister had a movie plan with one of her friends and I had to drop here there. no point in coming back all the way from the city with absolutely nothing done, no that would be a remarkable waste of an opportunity which I could exploit to my advantage keeping my sister as an excuse. So...I met up with my friends. To be honest, I didn’t really like the plan. it was to go bad look for my friends b-day dress, and I wasn’t really keen on the idea but I didn’t have anything to do (so much for me exploiting my situation) so I tagged along. as usual, my friend made me wait 20  minutes before she could get out and we both headed to GVK1 ( big shopping mall /multiplex/ club zone). Waited and then my friend '(bday girl) and her friend came. And then, it was window shopping and a little bit of actually shopping the while day. It was just wwooop one shop...then wooop another and then we were done with the mall, and so we headed off to another one. It was fun. We had lunch at this unusual place at the other mall "chowpati" and did a little more of what was planned. While we were looking around a foreigner came up to ask us if the bag she was buying was worth 900 rupees. We said no. and the bag forget the quality, looked hideous. We talked for a while about stuff since she started the conversation, and we all ended up having one extra contact that day. Weird. I know. This stuff always happens to me (see my last post to know why).  .,
So this is what happened basically and after all that, I had to pick my sister up and then go home. End of that day’s story, oh, and my feet were KILLING me.

July 3rd:

Don't ask me about 2nd. Wasn’t that great.  My friend’s bday. Had no idea till I was reminded by my colleague / best friend (intern colleague). Called him up immediately and wished him a very happy birthday.  I was told of a plan, I...e meet up at pizza hut at 4. No way was that going to work out. Then in about a half hour the venue was changed to a bowling alley, which I so much more preferred. Time was a problem. All the interns were invited, and no one could make it before 5. It was planned that 10 of us would be there and we would have fun. But people started backing out one by one citing some reason. Some of them didn’t like the venue and requested me to ask my friend to change it according to their likes. Umm, his bday guys, not yours. I didn’t ask him because that would just sound so dumb. So finally, my best friend and I, after finding out that no one else was going to the party, decided we should show up and spend some time with him. Poor guy was waiting at the alley all alone for an hour and although we showed up late, at least we showed up. The 3 of us. I felt bad for him. It definitely was not expected to turn out that way. Chucking it, we had fun by ourselves through bowling, which is now my new-found hobby (although I suck at it).

July 4th:

A happy birthday to :
Aamani - 18 
 Harika - 26 
& Namratha - 22  <3

July 5th:

MY WALLET GOT STOLLEN. omg. That heart-failing feeling you get when you don’t find your wallet in your bad. I felt it people. I felt it. And I was shivering. Why would someone shiver if they lost their wallet? Okay, well they would if they had like really important things in it, and although what I had in it wasn’t that much, I liked the wallet. It was a gift from my my sister. :(
I know my bag was zipped up when I got down and I was waiting at the door for around  a minute till my stop came so if it was open, one of the million people standing behind should have freaking told me. BUT NO. Either it wasn’t unzipped then or people have just gotten meaner. Either way.  I get down and run and get into the next bus in front of me and I realize my bag is open when I’m supposed to take my wallet out to pay for my ticket. $#%* I jump out of the bus and walk back and forth panicking. I know. Lame ting to do but I did it anyways. Called up my friend, asked her to pick me up. Called my other friend ask what I should do. Crying at the bus stop and then after a million calls and texts I cool down, and get my head straight.  I have cash in my other zip. I take an auto and go tow work, call the bank people and block my card. As for my precious wallet, no replacement, my mum’s photo-I have another and my 500, well I made some random guys day.
To make things ironic, I got my cheque that day too.

July 6th:

Me, Aamani ( Birthday girl ) , Katyayani, aka Kathie ( My sister)
It was my other friend’s bday on the 4th and she didn’t have time to meet me. I didn’t want to meet her for the party; I wanted to meet cause it just been that long. Recap: we are colony friends since 2004 and they were our first neighbors and practical our first friends so the attachment is understandable. Since we've moved, we haven’t been meeting like before. #obviously. So yea she’s real busy with college and I’m busy with college and work so we don’t get time. So I made a hard standing plan that we would meet no matter what on the 6th and we did. My sister and I are and her sister and she were all ready to hang out. 830 pm at CCD. I know...completely off the radar time for them to meet anyone but we were an exception. We went, ordered, ate...and took a lot of pictures and THEN it started to rain. It was pouring like crazy and my face turned into a ball of disgust. BOOM. Out goes the electricity as well.  Can things get any worse? Yes. we go almost up to my place, and then my friends dad decides that we aren’t going to do anything at home any ways so he turns the car back around to their house where we are trapped till the rain stops and all me and my sis wanted to do was go home and SLEEP. What was even more difficult for us to comprehend was why did he have to go and put the car back inside again when he knew he was going to drop us after the rain stopped? The electricity came back almost immediately and then Mr.S wasn’t in the mood to drop us so he suggested we stay back for the night. UHH...NO. Sorry. I can’t. It raining...I’m wet...I want to change into warm clothes and sleep in my nice bed. My sister had an exam so her excuse was a much better one for me to use.  Ultimately he drove us home after having no choice (I bet he was regretting the moment he decided to park back his car) and came up to talk to my dad. They talk about a bunch of things when they meet and it was already 945 pm. we said by to Mr. S at 1200 am. Had loads to talk I guess.

July 8th:

My other friend’s bday. It was all planned; we would meet, go for bowling, lunch, do some whatever and then leave. I call her up to wish her and my reply is that the plan is cancelled. Didn’t tell that at home, so I acted as if it were still there and headed to one of the malls in Hyderabad, being one f the biggest malls out of Andhra Pradesh for the very 1st time! No, I dint not go alone (that would be impossible). INROBIT. All the way at the other end of the city and my friend and I went there. We wanted to watch brave, but houseful. Its okay.1st time here, I should explore. So we had lunch, and walked around the mall and end into every shop along the way. So crazy. The only time we stopped to sit somewhere was a t a book shop where although we had the Guinness book of world records in our hands which we finished going through in like 10 seconds, we talked about some random things. Got up, and left for fun centre (kind of like chucky cheese). I wanted to go bowling but we were running out of time. Grabbing a cold coffee we headed out and to put the blue berry on top, we got a nice empty air conditioned bus that took us all the way back home.

And although I’m so tired after today, I still managed to type all this, so everyone .appreciate me, and do so by promoting this post. :P lol. Jk. just leave a comment if you have anything to say!!


  1. Wow! Sorry about your wallet, but at lease you got a blog post out of it :)

    And it is a great post! Hope your next week is a little more awesome and a little less wallet stolen :)

    -The Anon Blogger

  2. Wow what a week you have had!! To bad about your first friends friend who didnt show up =( bad!!
    And your wallet.. hmm well cant you find a similar to that one?

    And really nice to meet up with some old friends that you dont see much, talk all night? = ) haha.

    Hope you have a great day. =) Hugs

    1. I know right. just sad!! But we did meet up today though!!

      Well, I can find a similar wallet but it was a gift!

      Naa...didn't talk all night ..i was soo sleepy , so went back home. No sleep over.

  3. = ) Yes my kids are a bit strange =) LOL. Hope you have a good day. Hugs

  4. Wow you had an energetic week. You know these memories will always remain with you no matter what :)
    I'm sorry about your Wallet though.

    1. i most certainly did, but i still can't manage to forget my wallet!! :(


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