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The Walk

A cartoony making his way across the sidewalk and back.  Nothing more to it. Why did I want to do it?  I don't know.

There are times when I want to do the weirdest of the weirdest things, I get too fascinated with something and doing it becomes my temporary life goal. 
Therefore, this video.  



  1. Dis is lyk really sumthng CREATIVE ! :) <3
    Gud wrk..

  2. Hey that's a nice cute video. I Actually enjoyed being with this guy :)

  3. Apparently my comment was either deleted or neve appeared! My internet can be annoying sometimes.

    Great video! I assume there will be a movie coming out soon :)

    The Walker (based on a true story)

    Actually, that sounds like a movie about a nursing home patient who over comes his leg paralysis and walks for the first time in 50 years with the help of his walker, but still, it could work :)

    -The Anon Blogger


Wohoooo, thanks for the comment!